Tuesday, 10 January 2012

'tis the season

Grace is in season. And having a bitch in season around, particularly when you also have male dogs, can sometimes be a challenge! For a month we undergo the 'rules of separation' which involves lots of making sure that dogs and in season bitches are not in the same area at the same time.  Crates, baby gates, doors and dog runs all are used to ensure the two are kept apart. Hamish is too closely related to Grace to be a suitable match so doubly important the two are not allowed to be together.

Luckily Hamish has a discerning nose when it comes to the girls (unlike some dogs who just have to whiff a girl in season at any stage to lose their mind) which means that it is really only a big issue for 5 days out of the month.  We still have to keep them apart for the rest of the time just in case, but those five days can be hair pullingly stressful at times as Hamish becomes desperate to get to his prize and tells you about it at the top of his lungs! It is then we make sure there are always TWO barriers between him and the girl in season at all times.  Oh the joy of owning entire animals!

Bruce struck upon a novel solution for the wailing this time.  He decided to give him some competition by playing the Bagpipes for him.  It did shut Hamish up for a few minutes while he played, but frankly I am not too sure which is worse!

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